Biophysics Engineer – PhD
Nicolas earned both a master’s and PhD degree from the University of Bordeaux, France in acoustics, laser, and fluid mechanics, more specifically working on the effects of radiation pressure on liquid interfaces. He designed experiments as well as developed a new theory on the self-guiding of acoustic waves in liquids. He then joined the Complex Fluids team at the University of Melbourne, Australia for a post-doctoral fellowship on polymers and particles in shear-flow, broadening his skills in experimental soft matter and 3D printing. 2 years later, he joined the BubbleBoost project at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique in Grenoble, France, working for 3 years on generating flows with acoustically-driven microbubbles. This project made use of his expertise in acoustofluidics and 3D printing, applying them to microfluidic applications. It led him to collaborate fruitfully with theorists, chemists and engineers.