Aenitis Technologies was this week at the France Tech Transfer Invest (FTTI), thanks to the support of CNRS Innovation! Organized by Bpifrance, the SATT Network, CNRS, Inserm Transfert, INRIA and CEA – in partnership with the Tech Tour company – this two-days event brought together forty start-ups stemming from French research. We are very proud to have been able to participate and present our technology to nearly 70 French and international investors specialized in innovation.We are also pleased to have won the FTTI 2019 competition and to be one of three Medtech start-ups for the final of EVC 2019 (European Venture Contest). We will go to Dusseldorf in Germany on December 9th and 10th to present Aenitis Technologies and its technology to international investors, but also to industrial partners of Tech Tour!