
Poster- Contactless platelets isolation using acoustic radiation force (2023)

The isolation of platelets from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a critical step in various medical applications, including tissue engineering, wound healing, and regenerative medicine. The use of acoustic forces to separate platelets from PRP offers a non-invasive and efficient approach to achieving this goal. Acoustic radiation forces mobilize cells in flow according to their volume and density without contact and pressure.

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Poster ISCT 2023-Novel method to enhance T-lymphocyte viral transduction by acoustophoresis

Gene editing using lentiviral vectors has become a compelling and safe method in cellular therapy specifically for T-cells through the expression of a chimeric antigen receptor. However, the efficiency of the gene transfer to the T-cells has remained a burden. Another limitation of this very approach is that these viral vectors are hard to provide, thus expensive and conventional transduction methods exhibit a high multiplicity of infection, i.e. the viral vectors are used in large excesses compared to cells.  Therefore, we developed an acoustophoresis system to enhance the transduction efficiency of T-lymphocytes using minimum viral particles to

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Publication Elsevier-Feasibility of an acoustophoresis-based system for a high-throughput cell washing: application to bioproduction (2023)

These last decades have seen the emergence and development of cell-based therapies, notably those based on mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). The advancement of these promising treatments requires increasing the throughput of processed cell for industrialization in order to reduce production costs. Among the various bioproduction challenges, downstream processing, including medium exchange, cell washing, cell harvesting and volume reduction, remains a critical step for which improvements are needed. Typically, these processes are performed by centrifugation. However, this approach limits the automation, especially in small batch productions where it is performed manually in open system.

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Poster-Characterization of the acoustic contrast factor: a new approachfor a label-free separation of the stromal vascular fraction (2022)

Acoustophoresis is an emerging technology allowing cell separation based on their physical properties via ultrasound. The compressibility and density of the cell and its surrounding mediumdefine an acoustic contrast factor (ACF), which governs the migration direction of the cell. Different cell types with distinct ACFs would be separable by acoustophoresis. This innovative methodhas the advantages to be non-contact, label-free, and working in a controlled flow. Those features make it a promising solution for any bioproduction process requiring isolation and processingof cells without the disadvantages of centrifugation or immunomagnetic separation. It has already been successfully used

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Press releases

Aenitis h2020 (2017)

Read the entire press release This funding will help to accelerate the roll-out of acoustic blood cell sorting technology to industrial scale Aenitis Technologies, which develops new medical equipment based on acoustic manipulation of biological particles, today announced that it has received €4 million in funding, following its application to the highly-selective SME Instrument Phase 2 European programme, in the “Healthcare Biotechnology” category. SME Instrument Phase 2 is part of Horizon 2020, a programme managed by the European Commission and dedicated to innovation and research. It is part of the Industrial Leadership pillar of H2020

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Aenitis awarded

We are proud to announce that Aenitis Technologies has been awarded the 1st prize in the European EIT Health Catapult in the Medtech category. The jury was keen to reward the potential of our company and the quality of our Pitch!

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Innovation contest

Paris, december 19th 2018 – Aenitis technologies, which develops new medical devices  for cell manipulation and sorting based on the use of acoustic energy, was named laureate, in the health category, of the first wave of the innovation competition organized by bpifrance under the aegis of cgi, ademe and franceagrimer. This contest, which was first launched in december of 2017, aims to support innovative projects created by sme and start-up companies in order to foster the emergence of world-class french champions on major issues, especially in the field of health, new challenges for producing biological

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2018 second semester

The second semester of 2018 was full of events for Aenitis Technologies. Let’s take these final few moments of the year to reminisce on the last six months: August: Acoustofluidic: Aenitis Technologies was a sponsor for the event that took place from August 29th to 31st in Lille. This annual gathering is dedicated to science, engineering and the use of acousto-fluidics from the micro to nanoscale. Our CEO, Emmanuel Vincent, gave a conference about the valorization of academic developments in acousto-fluidics through industrial swarming and startup companies. September : Access2Europe: The team of Aenitis Technologies

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Seventure finalist

Aenitis Technologies was this week at the France Tech Transfer Invest (FTTI), thanks to the support of CNRS Innovation! Organized by Bpifrance, the SATT Network, CNRS, Inserm Transfert, INRIA and CEA – in partnership with the Tech Tour company – this two-days event brought together forty start-ups stemming from French research. We are very proud to have been able to participate and present our technology to nearly 70 French and international investors specialized in innovation.We are also pleased to have won the FTTI 2019 competition and to be one of three Medtech start-ups for the

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Bio Europe Hamburg

BIO Europe Hamburg – Tuesday November 12 th from 9am to 10:30 am -Emmanuel Vincent, CEO Aenitis Technologies, will present the experience of Aenitis with the SME instrument

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